Funny Postcards for Realtors Saying I Have a Buyer

21 Real Estate Postcard Examples That Actually Work

March 29, 2022

Expired-Listing-Marketing-System-REL-1073With everything going digital, snail mail is often overlooked these days. Mailboxes get jammed with coupons, ads, and flyers that barely get a glance before they're tossed in the trash. The same goes for a majority of those bad real estate postcards. After a while they all start to look the same, blending together with very few captivating details about the homes being featured.

However, you shouldn't count mailer campaigns out just yet. The pandemic has sparked a new appreciation for hard mail. In fact, during the beginning of the pandemic, a marketing company called Valassis reported:

  • 31% of consumers are more excited to receive their mail each day, compared to before the coronavirus pandemic.
  • 34% of consumers are spending more time reading marketing or promotions that arrive in their home mailbox compared to before the coronavirus pandemic.

After jobs started shifting and more people began working remotely, the U.S. Post Office also noticed that the general population had a new found interest in checking their mail. They found that 65% of people agree that receiving mail lifts their spirits.

21 Real Estate Postcards That Actually Work

With people more interested in receiving mail than they have been in decades, now is the perfect time to consider changing up your marketing strategy.

We've searched the internet for the most popular and effective real estate post cards. Let's take a look at the top 21 mailers you can use to create conversations, generate leads, and ultimately, close deals before you know it.

1. New Real Estate Agent Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Any time within your first 2 months to a year at a new office
Details to include: Your name (prominent), headshot (prominent), years of experience, phone number, email address, social media platforms

When you first start your career, or you change brokerages, it's important to get your name and the company you work for out there. This gives you the opportunity to put something tangible in a prospective buyer's hands. It's important that you leave a positive message, so make sure your postcard is cheerful and easy to digest. Use an easy to read font, and a photo that showcases your smile.

In a short and sweet message, make sure to mention your qualifications, and sum up how you can be a successful real estate agent. A message like "I'm an experienced real estate agent you can trust when it's time to buy or sell you home". It doesn't have to be long, just enough to put you at the top of someone's mind if they are contemplating a big move.

2. Expired Listing Real Estate Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Every time a property is close to expiring
Details to include:Your contact info and qualifications

Let them know that you are aware that the property isn't selling. This can be a message like "Trouble selling your home? I can sell your home in 60 days guaranteed!"

Typically expired listing postcards also include some sort of coupon (Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.), or the postcard details that staging and yard work will be included if they list with you (see above example).

The messaging here should be super clear. Just make sure to include that you understand how frustrating it can be for property owners to have their listing expire without any offers, but that you are more than qualified to help them out.

3. Real Estate Market Report Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Once a quarter
Details to include: Your company name, logo, and phone number

This type of mailer will need to be grouped by neighborhood. You want to pull a list of similar sized houses that are comparable in the same zip code. It's important to have a visual that is easy to read and digest. For example, you'll want to include 6-10 houses and list details about the number of bedrooms, square footage, and price they sold for.

If you want to generate interest, include a phrase like "Recent sales could have changed your home value. Find out what your home is worth in today's market!"

Putting the updated market figures in front of prospective buyers or sellers can help generate new leads.

4. Just Listed Real Estate Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Every time a new listing goes live
Details to include: High quality pictures of the home, list of features, your contact info

A just listed postcard serves two main purposes:

  • Alert buyers in the area about a property they might be interested in
  • Alert neighbors that you are already familiar with their neighborhood and would be a great agent to work with

This is a great campaign to use if you frequent a certain neighborhood. The more just listed postcards the neighbors see, the more likely they are to pick up the phone to call you when they need to buy or sell a property. You are subconsciously putting it in their mind that you are the Rockstar real estate agent of their neighborhood.

5. Just Sold Real Estate Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Every time a property closes
Details to include: High quality pictures of the home, positive messaging about your success, your contact info

This postcard has a similar goal to the Just Listed postcard. You want to make your presence in the neighborhood known. However, the Just sold postcard is arguably more important because it spells out your successes. Every time you close on a property, spread the word about it. If people have driven by or stopped in for an open house, chances are they've noticed your For Sale sign in the front yard. That's great for visibility, so why not follow up with a message that tells them you had no problem getting the job done. It lets prospective clients know that you can do the same for them.

For this mailer, try using phrases like "We just sold another home! You could be next."

6. Real Estate Open House Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Every time you have an open house
Details to include: Date and time of open house, high quality pictures of the home, list of features, your contact info

You almost want this type of postcard to be treated like a Save the Date card. You want prospective buyers to hang it on their fridge as a reminder to come to your open house. That's why it's important that you only use the best photos of the house. You want to show the perks of the home without cluttering the postcard. Rule of thumb: Choose only 3-5 brightly lit photos to include.

For this to be successful, you need to draw people in without giving too much about the house away. Include unique details that could set this property apart, like "newly renovated kitchen", "covered porch", "inground pool", etc.

7. Real Estate Renters Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Once a quarter
Details to include: Benefits of owning a home, details about discounts they may qualify for, your contact info

Real estate agents often overlook rental communities fearing that residents are locked into long term leases, or are unwilling to move. However, this is actually the perfect place to find first-time homebuyers. Many renters would be willing to look at homes if you simply spell out what their money can buy them. If you know the average monthly rent cost for a complex, you can use a basic mortgage calculator to show prospective homebuyers what sort of home they can afford while staying in the range of that same monthly payment.

You'll get a much better response rate when you tailor your message to the community itself. For example, if you are targeting a specific apartment complex, use language like: "Are you tired of those paper thin walls, and unexpected rent increases? Let us find you an affordable home you'll love!"

8. Home Anniversary Real Estate Postcards

home anniversary postcard


When to send: Once a year, on a client's closing day anniversary
Details to include: A simple message, a detail about them, your name, your contact info

It's important to keep up with previous clients, that way you are top of mind the next time they are looking for a real estate agent. Send out holiday cards, and always mail them an annual "happy anniversary" card on the day of their closing. This is a simple way to remind them that you are available if they ever need any real estate advice.

This type of mailer can also help get your name out there. Even if you haven't had a conversation with a previous client in years, if they see your card they might be willing to name drop you to friends or family that are looking to buy or sell.

If you want to send out a big stack all at once, make sure you choose a photo you can use for multiple clients, and write a simple hand-written note. if you want to make it a memorable post card, include a small detail about each particular home or client. For example, "I can't wait to hear about the recipes you've created on that beautiful 8 burner gas range stove".

9. Thinking of Selling Your Home Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Once or twice a year
Details to include: Services included (i.e. staging, etc.) , your qualifications, your contact info

Send these mailers out to up and coming neighborhoods. These are often the most successful when an area is going through gentrification because people who have owned property in that area will likely be interested in selling their home for a bigger profit. This will get similar results to a Market Report postcard.

Make sure your messaging sells you and your services. For example, use messaging like "Get a reliable, honest, and experienced real estate expert on your side!"

Many successful Thinking of Selling Your Home postcards also include 1-2 testimonials from satisfied customers. Let those reading the postcard know about your recent successes.

10. Real Estate Farming Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Every 45-60 days
Details to include: Market info, a custom offer, your contact info

This is a sure-fire way to let people know that you are a part of their community, and care about it's long term growth. With these postcards, be sure to add new value every time. It's important to mix it up if you are sending these out every 2 months. It's okay to brag about yourself and your experience a little bit too. For example, use messaging like "Need a realtor who can sell your impossible-to-sell property? Look no further. I've sold 6 homes in your neighborhood!"

The key to farming postcards is to update people on the local real estate market. Leave them wondering what their home is worth on today's market, that way it sparks conversation around the neighborhood.

11. Holiday Real Estate Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Holidays and special occasions
Details to include: A short message, an invitation to connect, your contact info

Holiday and special occasions are a great time to re-connect with previous clients. Sending them postcards throughout the year let them know that you haven't forgotten about them. This is also a great time to include a picture of your family, which can help you seem more relatable (see above postcard). The major holidays like Easter and Christmas are easy to remember, but you can set yourself apart if you also send out postcards for smaller moments.

For example, if you know a client that you worked with two years ago has kids that are heading back to school, send them a postcard in mid to late August. Be sure to include the kids' names and ages if you know them. That will go a long way in letting that client know that you still remember the details.

Other special occasions to consider: daylight savings reminder, 4th of July, Halloween, and Mother's/Father's day.

Timing with this postcard is key. It doesn't do you any good if a card arrives three weeks after the client's birthday.

12. Real Estate School District Targeting Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Before each school semester begins
Details to include: Recently sold home prices, "going fast" language, your contact info

This is a great postcard to send out to the neighborhoods that are zoned for top rated school districts. Let homeowners know that there are new families moving to the area that are willing to pay top dollar to be close to the schools nearest you. Use clear, easy to understand language that will appeal to a large group of people. For example, use messaging like: "Your home is in HIGH DEMAND: We have multiple interested buyers looking for homes in your school district!"

That wording sends the message that they can not only get a good price for selling, but that the process could move quickly. Be sure to show some of the nicer homes that have sold at a high price in that neighborhood to get the phone ringing.

13. On the Fence Real Estate Postcards

fence sitting


When to send: Once a quarter
Details to include: Reasons they should sell now, market info, your contact info

It's easy for homeowners to sit on their property and go back and forth about whether or not they are ready to list their property. There is often little urgency when key factors aren't forcing a prospective client to move. They often linger in or fall out of the lead funnel all together. While you don't want anyone to feel rushed, there are ways that you can hint to them that now is the time to sell. A fence-sitting buyer sometimes needs to feel a sense of urgency, so use messaging like: "Home prices, interest rates have never been lower, and inventory is at a premium!"

This may nudge someone over the edge who is usually slow to return your calls or text messages.

14. Personal Sphere Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: 2-3 times a year
Details to include: Defined call to action, generic market report, your contact info

Once you've been in the real estate game for a while, your sphere of clients will get to know you pretty well. They'll come to expect quarterly check-ins via social media, email, text, etc. They'll have likely done a sale or two with you, so they are already familiar with your experience and work ethic. That's why this type of postcard can be more a little more casual and familiar.

If it's a particularly hot buyer or seller market, include that. Because this group of people already knows you, they will likely hang on to the card a little longer than a total stranger. That's why it's important to have a specific call to action. For example, say something like: "Call me today to find out how much your home is worth!"

15. FSBO Real Estate Postcards



When to send: Whenever you find a FSBO listing
Details to include: The challenges FSBO's face, your solutions to those problems, your contact info

FSBO's are an easy target for mailer campaigns. They've already let the world know that they are ready to sell their home, so capitalize on that knowledge. Your job is to convince them that you are the right person to help them sell it. If it's listed as FSBO, list the reasons why that can be a nightmare situation.

Your messaging should be clear and concise and center around the fundamental issues a seller could face. For example, use language like: "Home sold For Sale by Owner sell for significantly less than homes purchased with the help of a real estate professional." Mention the fact that you've sold X number of homes, and have a proven track record to negotiate in sales like these.

FSBO postcards work best when you follow up directly. Wait 3-4 days before calling or knocking on the door to close the deal.

16. Offering a Service Postcard

cma postcard


When to send: 2x a year (beginning of busy season, end of busy season)
Details to include: A free offer to get a CMA, your contact info

With the pandemic, many people just want to be sure that what they've heard is still true to their area. Prospective buyers and sellers have likely heard that inventory is low, and houses are going quickly. So, try creating this postcard to send out with an offer for a free home market analysis.

This is a good mailer to test when you are scoping out new neighborhoods to add to your resume. Find an up and coming part of town where homes have been selling like hotcakes, and customize the messaging to fit that group. Make sure you have a sure-fire call to action, and offer a free comparative market analysis that will get the phones ringing.

17. Stalled Funnel Real Estate Postcards

stalled funnel postcard


When to send: Once a quarter
Details to include:Personalized message, up-to-date fact about the current market, your contact info

We've all been there – watching people hover in the lead funnel wondering if they are ever going to pull the trigger. You can just wait and hope the outcome is in your favor, or you can help nudge them in the right direction using a simple postcard.

Make sure your messaging isn't pushing, but instead encouraging. Use simple, easy to understand wording that references the current market trends. For example, let them know that homes in their area are selling in record time. Say something like, "Don't get left behind, houses are sitting on the market for less than 5 days before they are gobbled up!"

Make your postcard recipients feel like the market isn't just good, it's good for THEM in particular. Use this postcard for prospective clients that have mentioned their long term goals, but haven't moved the the needle when it comes to next steps.

18. Referral Real Estate Postcards



When to send: Twice a year
Details to include: Your desire for new clients, a reminder of your success, your contact info

Sometimes your previous clients can do more for you than you can do for yourself. Word of mouth goes a long way in the real estate industry, so once or twice a year send out a postcard to all previous clients letting them know that you'd be happy to help facilitate transactions for any of their friends, family members, neighbors, or acquaintances.

This simple gesture helps remind people that even though they aren't looking to buy or sell, they likely know someone who is. If they have a tangible postcard with your contact info to pass along, that could help generate new leads.

19. Absentee Owner Real Estate Postcards



When to send: Twice a year
Details to include: A list of reasons to sell, a unique $$ offer at closing, your contact info

Property owners and managers often sit on properties longer than they'd like to because they are dreading going through the selling process. There are often much needed repairs that need to be made, so they rent the property out hoping to make a monthly income. This postcard should be used to convince them that working with you and selling the property is less of a headache overall than dealing with tenants, repairs, and taxes.

If you need to tip the scales – try including an exclusive offer in the postcard. For example, a money-back rebate at closing.

20. Special Event Calendar Real Estate Postcards

football calendar postcard


When to send: Once a year
Details to include: Times and dates of major local events, your headshot and contact info, simple call to action

Ideally, prospective clients will hang this on their fridge or somewhere in plain site as a reminder that certain events are coming up. For that reason, it's best to keep messaging light and fun. Take note of major sporting events, concerts, comedy shows, festivals, or even school events that your clients will want to attend.

These postcards are most effective if they are mailed out at the same time year after year. For example, if a client know that you send out the football schedule of their favorite team every year, there is a higher chance that they will look for your postcard to hang in their kitchen as a staple.

It's okay to have a generalized real estate message in this case. For example, try this: "I can help with all of your real estate needs. Call today!"

21. Real Estate Recipe Postcards


(Postcard Mania)

When to send: Once a quarter
Details to include: A recipe of your choosing, your contact info

Customize this recipe to your prospective client's needs. For instance, if you know they are vegan, send a vegan recipe. Or if they've mentioned their love of Italian food, send a pasta dish. Ideally, this is a recipe they'll enjoy enough to hang on their fridge, or keep in their kitchen. Better yet, they'll share it with friends which could generate new leads.

Tip: Jot down what recipe you sent out, and follow up. If you sent a seafood gumbo recipe, ask about it next time you talk to them. Or, better yet, say something like "My kids love that seafood gumbo dish I sent you, I thought about you the last time I made it." This not only makes you come across as more relatable, it also reminds clients that they are top of mind, and that you are detail-oriented.

Must Haves for a Success Real Estate Postcard

  • Clean and crisp headshot
  • Easy to read font
  • Clear call to action
  • Big, bold imagery
  • Your brokerage info and logo
  • Your direct contact info

Be Sure to Add a Real Estate Postcard Disclaimer

The National Association of REALTORS (NAR) Code of Ethics prohibits the solicitation of business from buyers or sellers already exclusively represented by a Realtor. With large mailer campaigns, you may accidentally send a postcard to buyers or sellers who are already being represented by an agent.

To be 100% safe from possible ethics complaints, be sure to include a disclaimer somewhere on your postcard (we suggest putting it at the very bottom of the card in fine print):

"If your home or property is currently listed with another Realtor and/or you are currently being represented, please disregard this notice. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other Brokers."


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