What Is the Probability That a Randomly Chosen Point on the Grid Below Is in the Blue Area

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Probability can also relate to the areas of geometric shapes. The following are some examples of probability problems that involve areas of geometric shapes.

Probability Of Shaded Region

A dart is thrown at random onto a board that has the shape of a circle as shown below. Calculate the probability that the dart will hit the shaded region. (Use π = 3.142)

Probability and Area

Total area of board = 3.142 × 14 2 = 615.83 cm2
Area of non-shaded circle = 3.142 × 7 2 = 153.99 cm2
Area of shaded region = 615.83 – 153.99 = 461.84 cm2 = 462 cm2 (rounded to whole number)

Probability of hitting the shaded region =

The figure shows a circle divided into sectors of different colors.

If a point is selected at random in the circle, calculate the probability that it lies:
a) in the red sector
b) in the green sector.
c) in any sector except the green sector.

Total area of board = 3.142 × 14 2 = 615.83 cm2
a) Area of red sector = × area of circle
Probability that the point lies on red sector =

b) Area of green sector = × area of circle
Probability that the point lies on green sector =

c) in any sector except the green sector.
Probability that the point does not lie in the green sector =

In the figure below, PQRS is a rectangle, and A, B, C, D are the midpoints of the respective sides as shown.

An arrow is shot at random onto the rectangle PQRS. Calculate the probability that the arrow strikes:
a) triangle AQB.
b) a shaded region.
c) either triangle BRC or the unshaded region.

a) Let PQ = 2x and QR = 2y. Then, AQ = x and QB = y.
Area of rectangle PQRS = 2x × 2y = 4xy
Area AQB = xy
Probability of striking triangle AQB = xy ÷ 4xy =

b) All the shaded triangles are equal.
Total area of shaded regions = 4 × xy = 2xy
Probability of striking a shaded region = 2xy ÷ 4xy =

c) Area of unshaded region = 4xy – 2xy = 2xy
Probability of striking unshaded region = 2xy ÷ 4xy =
Area of triangle BRC = xy
Probability of striking triangle BRC =
Probability of striking triangle BRC or unshaded region =

Geometric Probability using Area

Example 1: A circle with radius 2 lies within a square with side length 6. A dart lands randomly inside the square. What is the probability that the dart lands inside the circle? Give the exact probability and the probability as a percent rounded to the nearest tenths.

Example 2: A point is chosen at random on this figure. What is the probability that the point is in the yellow region?

Example 3: A square is inscribed inside a circle. What is the probability that a point chosen at random inside the circle will be inside the square?

Example 4: A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle. What is the probability that a point chosen at random in the triangle will be inside the circle?

Problem 1: Find the probability that a point chosen at random inside the circle will be inside the shaded region.

Problem 2: Find the probability that a point chosen at random inside the square will be inside the shaded region.

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Area Probability Problem: Rectangle within a rectangle

Example: Find the probability that a point randomly selected from a figure would land in the shaded area.

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Area Probability Problem 2

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Area Probability Problem 3

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Source: https://www.onlinemathlearning.com/probability-area.html

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